Artistically Pruned Japanese Maple

Northampton, MA (Leeds)

This Japanese maple was planted by the client when the house was constructed about 20 years ago. It had not been pruned properly during that time. The tree more resembled Snuffleupagus then it did a contorted, windswept & architecturally impressive tree that it became.


Before: The Japanese Maple, always a good looking small tree, was not showing off its true character.


After: One of the great things about working on a Japanese Maple is the contortedness of its branches. If not properly pruned every few years, this characteristic is impossible to see under all the lush foliage.


After: The trees is starting to show its graceful horizontal limbs & tortured trunks.


After: Shade perennials once growing at its base can now thrive again with the filtered light.

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