Hilltown Tree & Gardens home office was built in 2003. All aspects of the home office & landscape personify sustainability. This project will focus on the new Goshen Stone Patio Jim built. All stone for the patio, walls & walks were quarried off the land. The house is built on ledge so stone came out of the ground as a result of excavating. Stone was put in multiple piles based on size & shape. Over the years, various projects for clients and for the home office were done using this stone.
Before 2002, the landscape design phase: The land was heavily wooded & rocky. But properly designed these liabilities become assets.
After: With raised vegetable garden beds in the distance, Lisa, the landscape drafter, enjoys the afternoon with our daughter Priya. The stones range in size from 6-25 square feet and in weights of 200-2000 pounds.
After installation perennial gardens & stone paths were installed for beauty and access. For shade, a deciduous ‘Heritage’ River birch was planted on the south side of the patio. The gardens & patio are just outside a picture window in the living room. When plants were chosen, an evaluation of the year round ornamental attributes was critical.
Screening the parking area from the patio is 7′ tall wildflowers. The combo of ironweed & ‘Herbstonne’ Black-eye Susan’s provide loads of late season color. Along with attract humming birds like ants at a picnic.