This project had many aspects: mature tree preservation, tree plantings and the design and installation of a perennial garden, wildflower meadow & Goshen Stone patio. These portfolio pics will focus on the last two, wildflower meadow and Goshen Stone patio. The area separating the client’s house from the road was a 1/2 acre of lawn that they were interested in enhancing in its beauty & wildlife value. In the fall, six months before meadow install, we planted a cover crop of annual rye to hold the bare soil in place, add fertility with organic matter, to out-compete any winter annuals that may germinate and to act as a mulch for springtime seeding. In the spring, the soil was seeded and the photos you see were taken sixty days later. This seed mix was custom-blended to give four season interest, attract wildlife and be self-sustaining. This meadow will morph over the first few years and then reach homeostasis. There is an existing meadow that we are in the process of trying to restore and make visually continuous with the new meadow. All below photos are 60 Days after installation.
This is the view from the road. Over time the fast germinating black-eye-susans pictured here will be slowly out competed and species such as: coneflower, lupine & tall grasses will replace them in a natural succession of species.
This view is just a bit down the hill from the above photo.
Every garden and meadow should have both access & a place to relax. The clients can watch the sunset on their Goshen Stone patio as the flowers are backlit with the setting sun.
A view from down by the house looking up towards the road.
The meadow along with the perennial gardens around the house we also installed.