Wildflower Pollinator Meadow

Worthington, MA

The client was new to the house which required an upgrade to the septic system. The area was dug up by the contractor and had the necessary piping installed. Grass seed had been haphazardly tossed on the soil but refused to sprout. Thankfully before the invasive plants took hold the client called me. The client was an amateur naturalist and was very interested in planting native flowers that would be beneficial to both the bees and other pollinators while looking attractive. This meadow was seeded in the late fall of 2015 & germinated in the spring of 2016. That summer was the hottest and driest on record. The below photos were taken in mid August while the surrounding turf wawn and dormant the meadow flourished.


Before: The site was prepped with multiple shallow tillings and then raking and rolling the seed into the soil.


After (6 months Later): The meadow hums with life on a hot dry August day.
Wildflower Meadow Bees House Garden


Before: The site was prepped with multiple shallow tillings and then raking and rolling the seed into the soil.

After (6 months Later):
The guest house and the old chicken coop.
Wildflower Meadow Bees House Garden

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